Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Since the Genie is Out of the Bottle..

We can not go back and undo what has been done. The genie is out of the bottle and will never be put back in. Might as well hunker down and deal with it: A bishop of the Roman Catholic Church finally spoke out about a couple of popular history's 'sacred cows,' the first and only member of the Catholic hierarchy, to my knowledge, to have ever done so in the post-war period.
Since that fateful interview in January of 2009, there have been embarrassed disclaimers, expressions of outrage, charges of "grave indiscretion," profuse apologies, recriminations, published "position" statements, a careful avoidance of certain "questions of history," and a general distancing from the bishop who dared to take up some of those questions. Undoubtedly, he has had to make a number of visits to the woodshed for such temerity.

But all that aside, maybe it's about time that we, particularly traditional Catholics, start dealing with 'facts on the ground,' as best they can be understood. Maybe these issues have been forced upon us. Troublesome questions about the Jewish Shoah will just not go away. They seem to resist being simply chucked down history's memory hole. Bishop Williamson gave old Shoah issues new life. He may regret having done so. But sorry, it's too late. The cat is out of the bag.
I went back and dug out an essay I wrote four years ago about the infamous Auschwitz/Birkenau complex. I dusted it off a bit and gave it a little sprucing up here and there. That somewhat revised essay is reproduced below.
By way of introduction: At the Nuremburg MilitaryTribunals in 1945 and '46, the alleged Auschwitz "death camp" became the focus of a great deal of attention. The Soviets charged that the plant had been the scene of the industrialized extermination of "four million" people, mostly Jews; and that, futhermore, this mass killing had been carried out, for the most part, in putative "gas chambers." I'm not a credentialed revisionist scholar by any stretch of the imagination- just an amateur looking for answers . But I do think there is enough available evidence now, accumulated over 60+ years, to equip even the average layman like myself with sufficient understanding about what actually occurred at the Auschwitz/Birkenau facility, and what, essentially, the camp was used for.
(On a slightly different subject: Link to http://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/ for a detailed summary of Bp Williamson's trial in Germany, April 16)

Auschwitz For Dummies
by T. Hollingsworth

We have learned to pronounce the word by first emitting a low, guttural ‘OWWSHH.’ The more menacing the inflection, the better. This is followed phonetically by a great hissing sound, WITZZZ, accompanied, perhaps, by a few involuntary globs of spittle. ‘ AUSCHWITZ ’ is a frightening word, full of dreadful evil.

Holocaust propagandists, slavishly abetted by much of the world media and the movie and entertainment industry, have done quite a number on the general public, (us dummies), in the intervening sixty years separating us from the close of World War II. It’s a fact, after decades of relentless conditioning, there can be nothing quite as horrible in the mind of the average ‘Joe,’ no, nothing, quite as terrifying and diabolical as the word ‘ AUSCHWITZ .’

Auschwitz was a town located near the prewar German-Polish border in Eastern Upper Silesia . It was founded by Germans in the year1270. From 1795 to 1918 Auschwitz was in the Austro-Hungarian empire.

The Auschwitz main camp was built in 1916 by the Austrians. It was a transit camp for seasonal farm workers who lived there between assignments. Auschwitz was chosen as the site of the farm labor camp because it was the largest railroad hub in Europe . Every railroad line in Europe went through Auschwitz . The farm laborers could travel from Auschwitz to anywhere in Europe to harvest the crops on the large estates.

After the First World War, in 1919, When Poland became a country again, the Poles changed the name to Oswiecim . At that time the Auschwitz , (or Oswiecim), main camp was turned into an army base for Polish soldiers. They built the original building, where the infamous “Krema I” was located, and used it as an ammunition storehouse.

When Germany defeated Poland in 1939, they took back the part of Poland that they believed was rightfully theirs because they had been in control of this territory for years, and they had built all the cities there. The Germans changed the name ‘Oswiecim’ back to Auschwitz. In 1940, they established a suburban work/detention facility there, or, if you like, a ‘concentration camp.’ It was known thereafter as Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, and was to become the most infamous of all Nazi detention camps, the one, putatively, most deliberately destructive of human life.

So, Auschwitz has a long history. It did not spring up overnight. Banish any notion that Auschwitz was some remote, mist shrouded outback, located in a stark and eerie Transylvanian-type setting which the Nazis chose to carry off their horrible extermination designs away from the eyes of the world. That popular image violates the truth. Auschwitz was, and had been for many decades, a major railroad transit center and agro business hub. (See Auschwitz 1270 to Present, coauthored by Robert Jan van Pelt Deborah Dwork, 1996)

For years the world was told that four million inmates, (of whom, it is claimed, 2.7 to 3.0 million were Jewish), perished in that one concentration camp alone, victims of a deliberate program of extermination. Most of these poor souls, we understand, were done away with in a relatively short period of time, roughly between early 1942 and late 1944.

The “four million” victims figure can probably be attributed to a single Soviet document, of which the Nuremberg tribunal took “judicial notice,” meaning, simply, the court recognized from the beginning of its deliberations, without the need for supporting evidence, that 4.0 million exterminated individuals was an indisputable fact. The Soviets claimed that 10,000 victims were gassed daily until the figure reached 4.0 million. U.S. and British prosecutors could have dispatched forensic experts to Auschwitz to check and verify these claims. But they did not do so, for whatever reasons. The German defenders at Nuremberg were prevented from sending their own forensic team to the camp, since it lay in the Soviet zone.

The “confession” of Rudolph Höss, Commandant of Auschwitz did much, also, to boost exterminationist claims. He appeared before the International Military Tribunal on April 15, 1946 as a defense witness for Ernst Kaltenbrunner, former head of the Gestapo, who was also in charge of the concentration camp system. Kaltenbrunner requested that Höss appear before the court on his behalf in order to testify that the former had never visited the Auschwitz complex.

In a sworn written statement Commandant Höss said that he had personally received an order from Heinrich Himmler to exterminate the Jews. He estimated that at that center alone 3,000,000 people had been exterminated, 2,500,000 by means of “gas chambers.”

In his essay entitled How the British obtained the confessions of Rudolph Höss, Frenchman Dr. Robert Faurisson, a professor of literature, and among the most famous of contemporary revisionists, challenges those figures. He claims that they are “false,” charging, furthermore, that Höss’ so-called “confessions” had been extorted from him by torture. Indeed, Höss himself had accused his British interrogators, a number of whom were Jewish, of that very thing. “At my first interrogation,” he wrote, “evidence was obtained by beating me. I do not know what is in the record, although I signed it. Alcohol and the (horse) whip were too much for me.” Höss was to receive even rougher treatment on several other occasions. But as it was his word against that of the conquerors of the Reich, this allegation was ignored, or at least not taken seriously.

It wasn’t until 1983 that the Auschwitz Commandant’s words were corroborated. That corroboration came from statements contained in a book published in that year entitled Legions of Death by Rupert Butler, a veteran writer of three other books in the same genre. Mr. Rupert’s book pretty much let the cat out of the bag.

At the beginning of his work, Butler expresses gratitude to, among other institutions and individuals, a certain Bernard Clarke who, history informs us, was the British officer who captured Commandant Höss in March of 1946. Clarke explains quite unremorsefully, as recorded in the book, that “it took three days of torture” to obtain “a coherent statement, (i.e. confession)” from Höss. Dr. Faurisson notes that this “confession would shape decisively the myth of Auschwitz .” He was most certainly right! As Commandant Höss said himself in now well documented remarks: "Certainly, I signed a statement that I killed two and a half million Jews. But I could just as well have said that it was five million Jews. There are certain methods by which any confession can be obtained, whether it is true or not."

By this admission from one of Höss’ chief interrogators, Faurisson declares triumphantly that the “establishment historians” were wrong when they disputed that Höss had been tortured and had confessed under duress. After the publication of Rupert Butler's book, it was no longer possible for them to contest the fact.

Some sets of numbers were even more stupefying than the incredible “four million.” promulgated at Nuremberg. Producers of a 1955 French film documentary, entitled Nuit et Brouillard (Night and Fog), placed the figure at a mind boggling 9,000,000 persons exterminated, mostly Jews, of course. Happily, 13 years or so later, in 1968, historian Olga Wormser-Migot offered at least one seemingly mitigating concession. This one time advisor to the creators of Night and Fog admitted in her own book that Auschwitz I, the main camp in that wartime industrial complex, was “without a gas chamber.” (Le Système concentrationnaire nazi [p. 157]) That little factoid, however, did not invade world consciousness until a number of years later.

The 4,000,000 figure held up pretty well until about 1990. Enter then the clamorous and persistent claims of historical revisionism. These claims finally began to take their toll. To compound the problem for the cause of exterminationism, the Soviets, in 1989, released Auschwitz “death camp” records to the Red Cross. These records would prove to be very damaging to the almost universally accepted exterminationist legend; but more on them below.

The Auschwitz-Birkenau monument up until at least 1990 had inscribed upon it the “four million” figure in nineteen different languages. This number, as we said, was never seriously disputed in the forty some-odd years following the war. Suddenly though, in the light of more compelling data, that monstrous seven digiter, etched in stone over several post-war decades, began to crumble. The new findings reset the slain totals at 1,500,000. After an additional five years of foot dragging in 1995, this new number was duly inscribed on a new set of plates.

One of my sources, a person who has visited and researched a number of the German concentration camp sites, informs me that Lech Walesa, then Polish Solidarity leader, and later elected president of Poland may have suggested the new 1.5 million figure. He may have pulled it out of a hat for all we know. What is certain though is this. An alleged 4.0 million victims slain could no longer survive unchallenged. Accumulating evidence demanded that the number be reduced dramatically.

Dr. Franciszek Piper, Polish historian and curator, and director of archives of the Auschwitz State Museum, confirms the new 1.5 million total. For him it represents a satisfactory maximum. And he might not even complain too strenuously were that figure reduced another 400,000 to 1.1 million persons “gassed.”

The new findings did not at all deter the French exterminationists. They very deliberately forced through an anti-revisionist provision in that same year, 1990, making it punishable by law in France to challenge the scope of “crimes against humanity” as described and evaluated by the Nuremberg tribunal 45 years earlier.

Exterminationists were not about to give in to lighter projections. They can’t afford to! Their macabre universe of death has vastly shrunk in the decades following the end of the war. It will in time, I feel, as the truth comes out, become a mere point of ‘singularity.’

To drive home the fact of a shrinking "Holocaust" universe, I cite the much respected head of the Institute of Contemporary History, Dr. Martin Broszat, the man who, by the way, first published the “confession” of Rudolph Höss. He had to tell his amazed countrymen that there had never been mass gassings in the entire Old Reich (Germany’s 1937 borders). In a letter dated August 19, 1960 he writes: "Neither in Dachau , nor in Bergen-Belsen , nor in Buchenwald , were Jews or other inmates gassed. The gas chamber in Dachau was never completed and put into operation.”

This is not good news for the Holocaustians. They have had to retreat into what Dr. Broszat described as “a small number of selected places, especially in occupied Poland , including Auschwitz and Birkenau but not Majdanek.” In light of these disclosures it becomes absolutely tactically essential that the extermination figures at Auschwitz/Birkenau remain as bloated as possible. There are not many other potential “death camps” left, if any, in wartime German-occupied Europe for which exterminationists dare make similar claims.

By the way Dr. Broszat is not alone. Fifteen years later no less a world figure than the famed “Nazi Hunter” Simon Wiesenthal also admitted that "there were no extermination camps on German soil" in a letter to the editor of Books and Bookmen, page 5, April 1975. He reconfirmed his earlier statement in a letter to the editor published on page 14 of the European Stars and Stripes dated 24 January 1993 .

There are some very important reasons why exterminationists want to keep the “death camp” totals as high as possible. Militant Jewry needs a ‘Holocaust’ to elicit worldwide sympathy in order to fully carry out its Zionist dreams and ambitions. Robert Goldman, a Jew, made a startling admission in 1997. “Without the Holocaust,” he said, “there would be no Jewish state.” (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 19 December 1997 , p. 9)

Without a terrible Nazi-inpired “Holocaust” of gigantic, death-dealing proportions, there no longer remains any justification for German war reparations to Israel. Nahum Goldman, long time chairman of the Jewish World Congress, made no secret of it. He wrote in 1978: “Without the German reparations that started coming during it first ten years as a state, Israel would not have half of its present infrastructure. All the trains are German, and the same goes for electrical installation and a great deal of Israel ’s industry.” (Dad juedische Paradox, Europaeishe Verlangsanstalt, 1978, p. 171)

In other words, without outside assistance, particularly from Germany , the parasitic Zionist state would not have been viable.

As an example of German “reparation” largess let me cite one instance. In 1999, Germany provided Israel with ultra-modern submarines which can carry nuclear missiles. The Israelis did not have to pay a penny for them. Just another act of atonement for the Jewish “Holocaust,” you see.

But let’s get back to the continuing saga of dwindling death toll statistics: French pharmacist, Jean-Claude Pressac (deceased now, I believe), promoted by the international media as the expert on technical questions surrounding Auschwitz, recognized Holocaust apologist, has in recent years become even more conciliatory about Auschwitz “extermination” totals. His research estimates pared the number down from the new1990 benchmark of 1.5 million perished souls to between 775,000 and 800,000 victims. That was 1993. A year later this same Claude Pressac had cut the totals down even more to between 630,000 and 710,000 victims of gassing, of whom, naturally, the lion’s share were Jews.

In 1989, just before the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Soviet authorities, (as mentioned above), released Auschwitz camp death records to the world. These records reveal sub totals that make even Pressac’s numbers seem awfully large. They were confiscated when Red Army forces captured Auschwitz in January 1945. The Soviets had them archived away for over 40 years. 46 volumes of death certificates, covering the years 1941, 1942, and 1943, (but not 1944) record the deaths of 69,000 Auschwitz inmates.

Mark Weber of the Institute for Historical Review remarks that deaths “were carefully recorded by camp authorities ‘in dozens of camp registry volumes” Weber continues: “Each certificate meticulously records numerous revealing details, including the deceased person's full name, profession and religion, date and place of birth, pre-Auschwitz residence, parents' names, time of death, and cause of death as determined by a camp physician.” Meticulous record keeping is a typically German trait. The New York Times reported on these same records in March of 1991. The Times story indicates that 73,137 persons, from all causes, died at Auschwitz . Of these 73,137 deceased, 38,031 were Jews. In this same NYT report, we learn, (though not from sources released by the Soviets), that the total of all persons who died in the entire German prison camp system from 1935 to 1945 were 403,713. (ed. Note: New York Times reported figures, in fact, make Bp. Williamson’s estimates appear to be much to high) I think that most will agree that those are not exactly ‘Holocaust’-like numbers, at least in the classic sense of the word.

The Times article places the Auschwitz death toll at a number 14,137 inmates higher than the one released by the Soviets in 1989. It may have been that in the intervening two years from 1989 to 1991 more records were found, and a more accurate count was arrived at. I really don’t know. But the point to be made is this: 1) These records reveal totals hundreds of thousands of victim fewer than even the lowest estimates made by Pressac and others. 2) The greatly reduced figures include death from all causes, not just alleged “gassing” victims.

Exterminationists suffered another setback from a major French weekly, L’Express. That paper carried a piece in January, 1995 by Journalist and historian Eric Conan. (Conan is described, by the way, as “a dedicated anti-revisionist.”) Be that as it may, his article probably put the final nail in the coffin of any remaining Auschwitz I ‘death camp’ notions. Conan acknowledged that “everything is false” about the Auschwitz main camp “gas chamber,” or Krema I, as it is known. He affirmed that this perceived house of horrors, which for decades had been shown to tens of thousands of tourists, and passed off as at least one of the primary extermination facilities, was, indeed, a post-war reconstruction, a fake. What the millions of tourists visit is a “krema” built in 1948 under the auspices of the Polish communist government. (Historian Olga Wormser-Migot, cited above, could probably have told us that back in 1968.)

Auschwitz Memorial officials were left with a little egg on their faces. One staff member, Krystyna Oleksy, of the Museum directors’ office, decided that discretion was the better part of valor. She put it this way: "For the time being we are going to leave it, (i.e. the “gas chamber”) in the present state, and not give any specifics to the visitors. It is too complicated. We'll see later on."

Lest there be any doubt about the veracity of this reconstructed “gas chamber” assertion, we are compelled to cite a videotaped interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper, Auschwitz Museum curator and director, already mentioned above. This now famous 1992 interview, as published in The Spotlight (news organ of the Liberty Lobby) in January of 1993, should lay all doubts to rest. Dr. Piper admitted on tape that the alleged “homicidal gas chamber” at the Auschwitz main camp was, in fact, fabricated after the war by the Soviet Union, apparently on direct orders from Josef Stalin.

The maker of this video interview, a young Jew named David Cole, disappeared from the revisionist landscape in 1994. He apparently succumbed to serious threats on his life by the Jewish Defense League, who were none to happy with the quest for truth by a celebrated correligionist. (Ed. Note: Cole’s visit to Auschwitz and video presentation is available online)

In May of 2002, a major German media outlet dealt yet another body blow to the over-inflated exterminationist totals for gassed persons. Fritjof Meyer, a leading journalist, writing for the left-wing Der Spiegel, whittled down Claude Pressac’s already greatly reduced totals to an even skimpier net, (relatively speaking), of 510, 000 victims, 356,000 of whom were Jews. Der Spiegel is no friend of historical revisionism either, it must be added.

Dr. Faurisson has always declared, citing the original plans from the Auschwitz Museum files, that the alleged “gas chamber” was nothing more or less than a room with a single entrance where dead bodies awaiting cremation were stored. So don’t expect even Meyer’s new “extermination” numbers to stand the test of time. They will surely be readjusted downward in the future as it becomes more impossible to sustain the “gas chamber” myth.

It should be mentioned here that in 1989 Dr. Faurisson was set upon by a gang of young Jewish toughs in Vichy , France as he walked his dogs. They half killed him. He spent a good deal of time in the hospital recovering from his injuries. He had already been physically attacked on seven or eight other occasions.

Most Holocaust historians are agreed that the killing agent of choice, to which most Auschwitz “extermination” deaths are attributed, is the extremely lethal pesticide called Zyklon B. Revisionist historians maintain that the product was never used for anything other than its advertised purpose, viz. to kill pests. The disease typhus was killing off hundreds and thousands of camp inmates. Nazi authorities sought to stem the rising death toll. So, Zyklon B gas was used to treat clothes, bedding and mattresses to rid them of typhus-carrying lice.

Heinrich Himmler, Hitler’s head of the Schutzstaffel (SS), which administered the camp system, feared the typhus epidemic as much as anybody else. On December 28, 1942, he ordered that “the death rate in the camps must be reduced at all costs.” (from The Final Solution by Gerald Reitlinger, Jewish historian). Himmler’s chief inspector of the camps, Richard Glucks, answered less than a month later: “Every means will be used to lower the death rates.” (Nuremberg Trial Document No. 1523) Indeed, the death rate was lowered by almost six percentage points between July 1942 and June 1943. Hardly the kind of anxious concern over the preservation of life one might expect from two SS officials dedicated to the goal of human extermination!

Zyklon B was manufactured in the form of small pellets, soaked in liquid hydrocyanic acid (prussic acid). The bluish crystal pellets came packaged in canisters. They were allegedly poured through specially prepared holes in the roof of a “gas chamber.” The holes were allegedly fitted with wire mesh tubes which descended several feet into the chamber. Long, wire-meshed, sleeve-like pellet retrieval baskets were, allegedly, inserted into the tubes. When, under properly induced conditions, hydrocyanide gas had been released into the death chamber, these baskets could be withdrawn, the spent pellets extracted, and then sent back to the factory and recharged, as it were. Which brings up another vital topic for purposes of this discussion- the alleged “holes” in the alleged “gas chamber” roofs. All the popular images presented to the mind by classic ‘Holocaust’ iconography rise or fall, based upon the existence or non-existence of the “holes.” As Dr. Robert Faurisson has repeated many times: No holes, no Holocaust!

From this layman’s perspective, things are not looking very good for the existence of “holes.” There are precious few of them, if any, to observe. But again, as Brian Renck has written in an article entitled Convergence or Divergence: “The holes are…central to the accusation that victims were murdered by gas in a cellar of Crematorium (crematory facility or Krema) II in 1943 and 1944.”

Indeed, they are. Guards didn’t just throw cans of prussic acid into a chamber packed with naked victims, then slam the door and run. Safe to say, exterminationists are in unanimous agreement that “holes” in the roof were the means of introducing the death-dealing substance. That is their story and they’re sticking with it.

Professor Robert Jan van Pelt certainly believes it! Prof. van Pelt is an interesting character, in my mind anyway, more noteworthy for recorded remarks made seemingly against his own interests. (More below) He is a Professor of Cultural History at the University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada, a native of Holland, Jewish on his mother’s side, and a prodigious writer about Auschwitz., Prof. van Pelt, according to Brian Renck, is considered the historical establishment’s leading expert on the design and function of the Auschwitz crematoria.

Since Krema I, discovered now to be a post-war fabrication, has lost much of its luster for purposes of promoting Holocaustian mythology, it would appear that Krema II, lying some three kilometers (two miles) directly west of Auschwitz I at the Birkenau industrial complex, has now become the center of the exterminationist universe, and the primary focus of attention.

Note Prof. van Pelt’s emotional assessment of Krema II: “Crematorium II (Krema II) is the most lethal building of Auschwitz . In the 2,500 square feet of this one room, more people lost their lives than any other place on this planet. 500,000 people were killed (here). If you would draw a map of human suffering, if you created a geography of atrocity, this would be the absolute center.”

Yet van Pelt was forced to acknowledge that the means whereby that huge number of people were gassed has presently evaporated. The professor was called as an “expert” on behalf of the defense in the now famous libel suit in Britain brought against Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books in 2000 by historian David Irving. During the trial van Pelt admitted that no holes were visible in the collapsed roof of Krema II. He admitted, furthermore, that the wire-mesh columns, used allegedly to conduct Zyklon B pellets into the death chamber, are also missing. In his expert report he wrote:

"Today, these four small holes that connected the wire-mesh columns and the chimneys cannot be observed in the ruined remains of the concrete slab." (“Small holes,” by the way, is van Pelt’s characterization of them.) “The wire mesh columns,” he continues, “had been totally dismantled after the cessation of gassings and before the demolition of the crematoria, and no remains were found.” How van Pelt knows for a fact that the columns were “totally dismantled” is anybody’s guess. There is, to my knowledge, no existing written or "eyewitness" documentation in support of that claim.

Hon. Mr. Justice Charles Gray, who presided at the trial, reinforced van Pelt’s remarks, declaring: "Van Pelt conceded in one of his supplementary reports that there is no sign of the holes."

To go along with van Pelt and Justice Gray’s remarks, we insert one additional note. In the late 1970s, when Auschwitz was administered by Poland 's Communist government, the Swede Ditlieb Felderer took hundreds of photographs of the remains of the Auschwitz crematoria ruins, and noted the seeming absence of holes for introducing Zyklon B, as described in "eyewitness" testimony.

As to the size of any alleged holes- van Pelt claims they were small, which may help to explain, from his point of view anyway, why they are undetectable now. However, there are military aerial photographs which seem to show holes in the crematoria roof. But relative to the adjacent roof dimensions, as photographed from the air, these alleged holes would have to have been around ten feet in diameter. Such is not likely, leading experts to conclude that the photos were altered.

Exterminationists get around this no-holes problem by advancing variants of the following argument: The four rooftop holes, (actually squares), were simply plugged with concrete. That’s right. Wooden (plywood?) forms were anchored in place on the interior ceiling side of the roof. Concrete was poured into the holes flush to the existing exterior roof surface. Apparently, they got it to match the surrounding concrete perfectly in color and texture so that no sign of it would ever be detected thereafter.

One particularly detested enemy of the Holocaustians is a gentleman named Fred A. Leuchter. Mr. Leuchter, an engineer, was acknowledged at one time to be America’s leading specialist on the design and fabrication of homicidal gas chambers and other equipment used for the execution of convicted criminals. He has been written up in a number of well known journals and periodicals. State governments acknowledged his expertise and used his services. He even appeared once on the Phil Donahue Show. But “powerful special interest groups,” for reasons described below, launched a vicious campaign of slander and vilification and succeeded in destroying Leuchter’s career.

Mr. Leuchter testified as an expert witness for the defense in the Canadian trial of Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel in 1988. (Ed note: See a three 10 minute video summaries of that trial featuring Ernst Zundel and Fred Leuchter: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 ) Canadian officials had charged Zündel with publishing false news about the “Holocaust.” The man was convicted of similar ‘crime’ in 1985 in Canada, but was eventually released on a technicality. This time, however, he was convicted and sentenced to a nine month prison term.

Mr. Zündel was jailed once again in early 2003 by the Canadian government. No specific charges have been filed against him, simply that he might present a “security risk” to the nation. Zündel has been sitting in solitary confinement ever since, awaiting possible deportation to his native Germany where questioning the “Holocaust” is punishable by law. Similar “Holocaust” laws are on the books in Switzerland, France and other European countries. (Ed. Note: Zundel was finally extradited to Germany to stand trial. He spent five years I prison there, and has only recently been released)

We get some fascinating insights from a report compiled by Mr. Leuchter, which was used by the defense in Ernst Zündel’s 1988 trial. It is entitled Inside the Auschwitz ‘Gas Chambers.’ Leuchter was commissioned to travel with a team of experts to Poland in early 1988 in order to undertake a physical inspection and forensic analysis of alleged execution gas chambers at Auschwitz.

He took along the necessary tools of his trade, concealing them from communist authorities in the lining of his valise. Upon arrival in Poland, he focused particular attention on the crematories II, III, IV and V, located at the Birkenau complex, i.e. Auschwitz II. Leuchter made scale drawings of the facilities, took numerous samples, and documented all of his activities with videos and still photos.

“At crematory II,” he writes, “I descended into the depths of the alleged gas chamber, a wet, dank subterranean place not visited by man in almost 50 years..” Here he took sample scrapings from the interior walls, did measurements and made other observations which might help him in determining how the facility had been used.

Mr. Leuchter and his team of assistants had to be very careful that they were not discovered, and their real purposes divulged. In the end, though, the team managed to get away from Poland undetected with twenty pounds of forbidden samples in Leuchter’s suitcase.

Leuchter delivered his forensic samples to a university test laboratory in Massachusetts on March 3, 1988. Chemical analysis of his samples revealed categorically that none of the facilities at Auschwitz/Birkenau “could have supported, or in fact did support, multiple executions utilizing hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide or any other allegedly or factually lethal gas.”
He calculated, based upon “very generous maximum usage rates” for all the alleged Nazi gas chambers everywhere, that “it would have required sixty-eight (68) years to execute the alleged number of six millions of persons.

Mr. Leucther made numerous other observations which put the lie to any claims that these facilities were used to gas victims. He noted, for example, that none of the rooms was “sealed or gasketed.” There was no provision to prevent condensation of gas on the interior walls, floors or ceilings; no method to “exhaust the air-gas mixture” from the buildings; no sign of a mechanism designed to “introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chamber;” no “explosion-proof lighting;” and no attempt to prevent gas from entering the (adjacent) crematories, “even though the gas is highly explosive.”

Elsewhere Leuchter makes mention that there was no evidence of a “heating system” in the morgue interior. Zyklon B pellets must be heated to at least 78 degrees before they can release lethal gas.

Furthermore, Leuchter reports, no attempt was made to protect “operating personnel” or “non-participating persons” from exposure to the gas. No exhaust stacks ever existed. In short, from close observation he concluded that no provisions were made “to effect any amount of safe handling” for this extremely dangerous and lethal gas. What is more, the chambers were too small to accommodate “more than a small fraction of the alleged numbers (gassed).” “Plain and simple,” Leuchter reported, “these facilities could not have operated as execution gas chambers.”

At this juncture, we ought to insert a few more sentences from Robert Faurisson, commenting on the popularly accepted notions of “gas chamber” operations at the Auschwitz II facility:

“(I)n the case of Auschwitz II or Birkenau, one could bring 2,000 people into a room measuring 210 square meters in area, and then in this highly crowded situation throw in the very strong pesticide Zyklon B, and then immediately after the deaths of the victims let a work crew without any gas masks enter the room in order to take out the bodies which had been thoroughly saturated with cyanide.

Dr. Faurisson noted that the poisonous residue effects of Zyklon B gas could not be removed from a room even with a “strong ventilator.” Only “natural aeration” over a period of 24 hours would render the area safe enough to enter.

This historical revisionist declares unapologetically that these so-called “gas chambers” were nothing but “simple” mortuaries, built underground to protect them from the heat. He points to a single door, serving “as both an entrance and an exit.” Reasonable people will agree that one small door would hardly have sufficed to serve as an entrance for great numbers of victims at a time, who, upon being gassed en masse, would be evacuated one at a time through that same door just minutes later, dumped one by one into a service elevator, and hauled up to ground level to be burned in an adjacent krema. Totally unworkable and absurd!

This is not to suggest that crematoria were not used to burn bodies and reduce them to ashes. They were! As Dr. Faurisson points out: “Concerning the crematoria of Auschwitz, there is just as there is generally for the entire camp an overabundance of documents and invoices down to the last penny.”

As for the “gas chambers,” however, he continues: “..there is nothing: no contract for construction, not even a study, nor an order for materials, nor a plan, nor an invoice, nor even a photograph. In a hundred war crimes trials, nothing of the sort was ever produced.”

“Gas chambers” are in extremely short supply at Auschwitz , non-existent, it appears. Many of us ‘dummies’ go through life probably oblivious to half the things going on around us at any given time. But, if the Holocaustian “gas chamber” scenario is true, then German army officer Thies Christophersen takes the meaning of obliviousness to unprecedented new levels. This German officer, wounded in battle on the war front, was thereafter reassigned to work at the Auschwitz camp complex. In his memoir published in 1973, entitled Die Auschwits-Lüge (The Auschwitz Lie) he states categorically the following: “During the time I was in Auschwitz , I did not notice the slightest evidence of mass gassings.” Elsewhere he testifies: “I was in Auschwitz and I can assure you that there was no ‘gas chamber’ there.”

Christophersen’s testimony has echoes of the same kind of ignorance expressed by such powerful bodies as the International Red Cross and the Vatican . The IRC prepared a three volume report in 1948 on all of the wartime German camps. There is not a mention of “gas chambers” on any of its 1600 pages. The Church in particular was reputed to be on the cutting edge of most of what was happening in wartime Poland. Both of these great institutions claimed they knew nothing about any “gas chambers” throughout the entire course of the war.

Over the years, the so-called ‘Jewish Holocaust’ has taken on quasi-religious dimensions. It is “a holy mystery,” says Elie Wiesel, “the secret of which is limited to the circle of the priesthood of survivors.” (The Holocaust, Peter Novick,)

“Six Million” supposedly exterminated Jews take on an absurdly Apocalyptic aspect for ‘true believers’ like Simon Wiesenthal: “When each of us comes before the Six Million, we will be asked what we did with our lives…” (Simon Wiesenthal in Response, Vol 20, No. 1)

French Zionist propagandist Claude Lanzmann, producer of the film Shoa, envisioned the new Auschwitz 'religion' threatening to totter ancient Christianity upon its very “foundations.” Because even Christ’s sufferings, reasons Lanzmann, as agonizing as they were, can not be compared to the exponentially greater sufferings of the Jews at Auschwitz . So, Lanzmann concludes, “Christ is false, and salvation will not come from him… Auschwitz is the refutation of Christ.” (Les modernes, Paris, Dec. 1993, p. 132,133)

These are the rantings of a religious fanatic, not to mention, a dedicated anti-Christian. Such a one, if indeed he represents the thinking of the majority of present day exterminationists, would not and could not know or accept the truth about Auschwitz, even if it sat on his lap!

That tens of thousands of untimely deaths from all causes occurred in Nazi concentration camps between 1935 and 1945 cannot be disputed. That Jews, relative to the total Jewish population of Europe at that time, comprised a disproportionate number of inmate deaths from all causes is probably also indisputable. But I have concluded, from the best data I can find anyway, that a systematic, Nazi-sponsored program of extermination, mainly by “gassing,” wiped out five to six million Jews over roughly a two or three year period, is a huge lie. It is sheer and utter baloney! If human extermination in this context can be said to have occurred, it was an unconscious and indeliberate program carried out by the lowly Typhus-carrying louse; and, secondarily, by hunger, disease and neglect in the last months of the war, when camp personnel were forced to flee the Soviet army's advance from the east. By that time the Auschwitz camp's operational infrastructure had totally collapsed, and the remaining abandoned inmates started dying like flies.

Note to SSPX Leaders:

If SSPX leadership can take comfort in little or nothing regarding the Williamson affair, they may at least find some solace and salvaging of reputation by simply recognizing that this senior Society bishop was probably right. I mean, if love covers a multitude of sins, can not truth, in like manner, cover one or two "indiscretions?"

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